Did you know that most marketing experts will tell you that if you are not a well-known author with a big social media platform or mailing list, you will need to start marketing your book at least a YEAR before you publish your book?
Marketing can be overwhelming for someone wanting to write and publish a book. Who has time for endless social media posts, right? And all those cringy, please-buy-my-book posts. What if I told you that you can simplify the social media aspect of marketing AND you can start promoting your book today - even if it is not written yet?
Don't make the mistake of waiting until your book is published before you start to share your message. Marketing your message is not about selling a book. You are more than your book. You are a living, walking, breathing book. Many people may not buy or read your book, but they will encounter the message you carry in so many different ways.
Here are some things to consider:
People read for two reasons: to be entertained or to solve a problem. Do you know what the core message is of your book? Do you know what problem you are solving for your reader? Start talking about that core message in your book. Write a blog. Post on a social media platform. Do a live video. It is important to show people that you are passionate and knowledgeable about this particular topic.
You are not called to reach everyone on the planet. If you're trying to write to everyone, you won't reach anyone. The more specific you can be in identifying your target audience, the better you will become at reaching that audience. It is important to create an avatar of your ideal reader. Whenever you are writing or speaking, have that person in mind. Imagine them struggling with the problem you are solving, and speak to them directly as you write or speak.
Writing a book is an act of service. If you're here, looking at our services, chances are that you are not doing this for personal reward, but to share an important message that will transform hearts and lives around the world. When you start to promote the message you carry, you are showing up to serve your audience. Ask yourself, how can I use my platforms to serve my audience every day? Perhaps it's giving advice, encouragement, knowledge, or prayer. There are so many different ways that you can serve them. You do not even mention your book. Just show up and be the message (the light) that you were created to be.
Start to see marketing as your mission field. You're not asking people to buy your book. You are sowing seeds of faith, hope, and love. Make it your mission to show up each day and release what God has put on your heart. Keep it simple, and just show up. Let people get to know the beautiful, problem solver that you are.
If you're still not sure where to start, watch this episode of the Answering The Call To Write Podcast. Let it be a great source of inspiration and courage for you today.
You are the light of the world.
Keep shining!
Meliza Farndell
Author of Untangled, The Molly's Treasure Series and Answering The Call To Write. Having learned some tough lessons throughout her writing journey, Meliza is passionate about helping others avoid the pitfalls of writing and publishing. She is determined to help those who have been called to write, find their voice and share their God-given message.
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